Barn Books for Children



While we work to preserve America’s rural heritage in a number of ways, a major focus of the National Barn Alliance is education – and what better way to open the door to historic barns for children than through a great book!  NBA Board member Bob Sherman has put together a fine list of books about barns geared towards youth.  These books are available at major book retailers and online, but please check with your local book store first!

To learn more about the NBA’s educational efforts for children and in the classroom, please visit our page for Kids and read all about our Teamwork & Timbers program.

Adler, Carole S.: Good-Bye Pink Pig; Avon Books, 1980.

Adler, Carole S. Shelter on Blue Barns  Road; Atheneum  Books, 1981.

Adler, Carole S.: The Horse Whiskey; (An Avon Camelot Book), Camelot Books, 1996.

Amery, Heather: Barn on Fire, (Osborne Farmyard Tales); Educational Publishing Co., 1994.

Andrews, John: Year of the Barn Owl; J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1991.

Artley, Bob: A Book of Chores, As Remembered by a Former Kid; Iowa State University Press, Ames, Ia., 1989, 100 pp.

Atwell, Debby: Barn;  Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, 1996, 31 pp

Auerbach, Annie: A Day at the Barn; Simon Spotlight Publishers,

Baglio, Ben M.: Bears in the Barn; Scholastic Publishing Co., 2001

Beeke, Jemma: The Rickety Barn Show; Doubleday Book for Young Readers, 2001.

Behling, Norvia: The Quotable Barn Cat; Voyager Press,  2007.

Bernal, Richard: The Little Red Barn, (Cuddle Cottage Board); Random House for  the Young, 1995.

Bowden, Susan White: The Barn Cat, Sassy and A Guardian Angel;  (Heroic Animal Tales), White-Bowden Assoc. 1998.

Brown, Margaret Wise & Barbara Cooney: Christmas in the Barn;  Roberta Brown Rauch, 1952,

Brown, Margaret Wise & Felicia Bond: The Big Red Barn;  Harper Collins Publishers,  1989

Burton, Jane: Snowy the Barn Owl; Rand House Books for Young Readers,  1989.

Burton, Robert: The House in the Barn: (Animal Habitat Series)Gareth Stevens Books, 1988.

Butler, Andrea: Jeb’s Barn; ( Let Me Read  Series), Good Year Books, 1996.

Campbell, Julie: Ginny Gordon and the Mystery at the Old Barn; Whitman Press, Racine, Wis., 1954.

Chitwood, Suzanne Tanner: Wake Up Big Barn;

Coates, Belle: Barn Cat; Scribner Publishing Co., 1955.

Coates, Belle  & E. M. Hale: Little Maverick Cow;   Charles Scribner’s & Son, 1957.

Collision, Catherine: Why is a Barn Red, The Little of Big Questions; Detroit Free Press, 1993

Cooper, Jasson: Farm Cats, (Barnyard Friends); Rourke Publishing, 1995.

Copeland, Colene: Mystery in the Farrowing Barn;  Jordan Valley Heritage House, 1991.

Davies, Gill: A Friend for Flash (Tales from Yellow Barn Farm);  Byeway Books, 2001.

Davies, Gill & Tina Freeman: Happy Hen; (Tales for the Yellow Barn Farm), Gardner Books, 2010

Davies, Nicola: Winter Owl, Barn Owl; Candlewick Publishing Co.., 2007.

Earhart, Kristin: Saddle Up Happy, (Big Apple Book; Scholastic Publishing Co.

Earhart, Kristin: Big Apple Barn, Hold Your Horses; Scholastic Publishing Co

Earhart, Kristin: Big Apple Book #1, Happy Go Lucky; Scholastic Publishing Co., 2007

Earhart, Kristin: Big Apple Barn #2, Happy’s Big Plan; Scholastic Publishing Co.,

Earhart, Kristin: Happy’s Holiday, (Big Apple Book); Scholastic Publishing Co., 2007

Earhart, Kristin: A Sassy Surprised (Big Apple Barn, No. 3); Scholastic Publishing Co., 2007

Earhart, Kristin: Roscoe and the Pony Parade, (Big Apple Barn); Scholastic Publishing Co., 2008

Edmonds, Walter D.: Bert Breen’s Barn; Little Brown & Co. (Juvenile Book)

Flower, Phyllis & Cherryl Pape: Barn Owls; (I Can Read Book), Harper & Row Publishers, 1978.

Freeman, Tina: Tales from Yellow Barn Farm; (Read with Me), Brimax Books,  2002.

Hapka, Catherine: Charlotte’s Web, New to the Barn; Harper Collins Publishers,

Holbrook, Stewart: Down on the Farm, A Picture Treasury of sCouintry Life in America in the Good Old Days; Crown Publishers,  N.Y., 1954, 188 pp.

Jacobson, Jennifer Richard: Andy Shane and The Barn Sale Mystery;  Candlewick Press, 2009.

Kalman, Bobbie: In The Barn;   Crabtree Publishing Co., N.Y. , 1997, 32 pp.

Lettermann, Edward J: Farming in Early Minnesota, Ramsey County Historical Society; St. Paul, 1966, 96 pp.

Levine, Norman: Champagne Barn; (Short Fiction) Penguin Books, 1985.

Lindbergh, Reeve: Benjamin’s Barn;  Dial  Press, 1990.

Henry, Marguerite, Illustrated by Wesley Dennis Justin Morgan Had a Horse; Rand McNally & Co., N.Y; 1954, 170 pp.

McClure, Lizzie: Big Blue Barn; Paragon Inc., 2007.

Mitchell, David: Origami Chicken and Other Animals;  Barnes & Noble, 2005.

Morpurgo, Michael: Colly’s Barn;  (yellow Banana Book),  Crabtree Publishing Co., 2002.

O’Brien, Clartre & Tim Archbold: Barn Party; (I am Reading), Kingfisher Publications, 2005.

Parragon Editors: Barn Yard Stories, 10 Tales to Share;  Parragon Inc., 2008.

Perkins, Stan: Spooky Barns and Farmstead, Tales of the Unknown and Unseen; Broadblade Press,  Swartz Creek, MI, 2000.

Perrin, David: Don’t Turn Your Back in the Barn; Dave’s press Ltd., 2000.

Poortvliet, Rien: The Farm Book; Harry N. Abrams, Inc., N.Y. [Netherland’s  Farming]

Reasoner, Charles: Inside Old Mcdonald’s Barn; Tide Mill Press, 2007.

Ripley, Dorothy & Pat Schories: Winter Barn;  Random House, N.Y. 1994.

Robert, Adrian: Secret of the Old Barn; ( A Troll Easy to Read Mystery), Troll Associates, 1985.

Santoro, Christopher: Open the Barn Door; (A Chunky Book “R”), Random House for Young Readers, 1993

Sewell, Helen: Blue Barns, The Story of Two Big Geese and Seven Little DucksThe Macmillan Co., N.Y., 1933.

Sherrow, Victoria: Huskings, Quilting, and Barn Raisings: Work – Play Parties in Early America; Walker B Co., 1992.

Smiley, Jane: Barn Blind, A Novel;  Fawcett Books, 1993.

Strachan, Margaret Pitcain: Mystery of the Blue Barn Stable;  Ives Washburn Inc., 1970.

Tafuri, Nancy: Early Morning in the Barn; Green Willow Books, 1983.

Tafuri, Nancy: The Barn Party;  Green Willow Books, 1995.

Tuitel,  Johnie, Sharon Lawson & Eduardo Pilande: Barn at Gun Lake; Cedar Tree Publishing Co., 1998.

Tunis, Edwin: Colonial Craftsmen and the Beginnings of American Industry; World Publishing Co.,   N.Y. 1972, 73 pp.

Voight, Virginia: Lions in the Barn; Scholastic Books, 1966.

Wang, Margaret: Kitty’s Barn; Piggy Toes Press, 2005.

Willis, Patricia: The Barn Burner; Scholastic Publishing Co., 2002.

Winnick, Karen B.: Barn Sneeze; Boyds Mill Press, 2002.

Wiskur, Darrell: The Really Bit Barn on “Noah’s” Farm; Master Books, 2001.

Wormell, Mary: Hilda Hen’s Happy Birthday; Harcourt Children’s  Books, 1995.

Yolen, Jane: Raising Yoder’s Barn: Little Brown Publishing, 1998.

Ziefert, Harriet: Noisy  Barn;  Blue Apple Books, 2003.