Our activities are directed towards youth in grades fourth through twelve and cover areas such as math and social studies.
What is Timber Frame Construction?
Types of Wood Used in Timber Frame Construction
Timber Frame Vocabulary–Crossword
Timber Frame Vocabulary Wordsearch
Mechanization of the American Farm and the Role of the Barn
Extension Activities: Preserving Our Barns
Extension Activity #1 – Preserving Barns
Extension Activity #2 – A Barn Guide to History
Extension Activity #3 – Barn Survey Instructions
Extension Activity #4 – Be a Barn Raiser
What would it have been like to eat at a barn raising meal
Barn Literature #1 – A Barn is More Than a Building
Barn Computer Lesson – Drawing Barn Roofs
An American Barn Raising #2
Anatomy of a Timber Frame Barn
– Basic Information about The Charles Fish Barn (English-style barn)
– Anatomy of The Charles Fish Barn
Barn books for Children
We’d like to thank the Trillium Dell Timberworks, Friends of Howell Living History Farm (the Mercer County (NJ) Park Commission), and Barn Again! (National Trust for Historic Preservation) for sharing the above materials for our educational programs.